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Before dental surgery

nobelsmile before dental surgeryHere are some things to think about before you have dental surgery.
bullet list graphic Do not eat or drink before surgery for the amount of time recommended by your dentist
bullet list graphic Brush and floss your teeth before you arrive
bullet list graphic Do not wear makeup or lipstick
bullet list graphic Bring some lip moisturizer for after surgery
bullet list graphic Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes
bullet list graphic Fill your fridge with soft food that requires little chewing for the first few days

Important safety information
Treatment with dental implants is a surgical procedure and requires prior evaluation by your dentist to make sure your dental and general health permits dental implant treatment. Find out more.


One tooth affected
Two or more teeth affected
Most or all teeth affected
Dental implant history

The better solution
Why dental implants?
Are dentures a good solution?
Dental Implant Care
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Copyright © 2014-2025 Nobel Biocare and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Nobel Biocare,  ; All-on-4® treatment concept;; 1/22/2025; Associated Words: Nobel Biocare dental implants;

Home  | One tooth affected  | Two or more teeth affected  | Most or all teeth affected  | Why dental implants?  | Dental implant history  | Five more reasons to talk to your dentist  | Why your dentist works with Nobel Biocare  | Effects of damaged or missing teeth  | Treatment of damaged or missing teeth  | Why dental implants?  | Effects of damaged or missing teeth  | Treatment of damaged or missing teeth  | Why dental implants?  | Are dentures a good solution?  | The better solution  | Trefoil™

Nobel Biocare | | All-on-4® treatment concept



Copyright © 2014-2025 Nobel Biocare and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Nobel Biocare,  ; All-on-4® treatment concept;; 1/22/2025; Associated Words: Nobel Biocare dental implants;